The 20 Best Albums of 1981 by (1981) Germany

Musikexpress is a German magazine that mainly deals with rock and pop music. These are their best albums of 1981.
(Official website:

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The 20 Best Albums of 1981 composition

Country Albums %

United Kingdom 10 50%
Germany 6 30%
United States 3 15%
Mixed Nationality 1 5%
Compilation? Albums %
No 19 95%
Yes 1 5%
Live? Albums %
No 18 90%
Yes 2 10%

The 20 Best Albums of 1981 similarity to your chart(s)

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Listed below are 7 charts from recognised sources for 1981. There are also 402 user submitted charts covering this period.

Hot Press Records of the Year 1981: The critics’ choiceHot Press1981 year chart1981Ireland
The 20 Best Albums of 1981Musikexpress.de1981 year chart1981Germany
NME Albums Of The Year 1981New Music Express1981 year chart1981United Kingdom
Jaarlijst Oor 1981OOR1981 year chart1981Netherlands
Albums of the Year 1981Sounds (UK)1981 year chart1981United Kingdom
The 24 Best Albums of 1981Spex1981 year chart1981Germany
Village Voice Albums of the Year 1981Village Voice1981 year chart1981United States

Year charts

Die 50 besten Alben des Jahres 2023Musikexpress.de2023 year chart2023Germany
The 50 Best Albums of 2022Musikexpress.de2022 year chart2022Germany
The 50 Best Albums of 2021Musikexpress.de2021 year chart2021Germany
The 50 Best Albums of 2020Musikexpress.de2020 year chart2020Germany
The 50 Best Albums of 2019Musikexpress.de2019 year chart2019Germany
The 50 Best Albums of 2018Musikexpress.de2018 year chart2018Germany
The 50 Best Albums of 2017Musikexpress.de2017 year chart2017Germany
The 50 Best Albums of 2016Musikexpress.de2016 year chart2016Germany
The 50 Best Albums of 2015Musikexpress.de2015 year chart2015Germany
The 100 Best Albums of 2014Musikexpress.de2014 year chart2014Germany
The 50 Best Albums of 2013Musikexpress.de2013 year chart2013Germany
The 50 Best Albums of 2012Musikexpress.de2012 year chart2012Germany
The 50 Best Albums of 2011Musikexpress.de2011 year chart2011Germany
The 50 Best Albums of 2010Musikexpress.de2010 year chart2010Germany
The 50 Best Albums of 2009Musikexpress.de2009 year chart2009Germany
The 50 Best Albums of 2008Musikexpress.de2008 year chart2008Germany
The 50 Best Albums of 2007Musikexpress.de2007 year chart2007Germany
The 50 Best Albums of 2006Musikexpress.de2006 year chart2006Germany
The 50 Best Albums of 2005Musikexpress.de2005 year chart2005Germany
The 50 Best Albums of 2004Musikexpress.de2004 year chart2004Germany
The 50 Best Albums of 2003Musikexpress.de2003 year chart2003Germany
The 50 Best Albums of 2002Musikexpress.de2002 year chart2002Germany
The 50 Best Albums of 2001Musikexpress.de2001 year chart2001Germany
The 50 Best Albums of 2000Musikexpress.de2000 year chart2000Germany
The 50 Best Albums of 1999Musikexpress.de1999 year chart1999Germany
The 50 Best Albums of 1998Musikexpress.de1998 year chart1998Germany
The 50 Best Albums of 1997Musikexpress.de1997 year chart1997Germany
The 50 Best Albums of 1996Musikexpress.de1996 year chart1996Germany
The 50 Best Albums of 1995Musikexpress.de1995 year chart1995Germany
The 50 Best Albums of 1994Musikexpress.de1994 year chart1994Germany
The 50 Best Albums of 1993Musikexpress.de1993 year chart1993Germany
The 50 Best Albums of 1992Musikexpress.de1992 year chart1992Germany
The 50 Best Albums of 1991Musikexpress.de1991 year chart1991Germany
The 50 Best Albums of 1990Musikexpress.de1990 year chart1990Germany
The 50 Best Albums of 1989Musikexpress.de1989 year chart1989Germany
Top 49 Music Albums of 1988Musikexpress.de1988 year chart1988Germany
Top 49 Music Albums of 1987Musikexpress.de1987 year chart1987Germany
The 10 Best Albums of 1986Musikexpress.de1986 year chart1986Germany
The 10 Best Albums of 1985Musikexpress.de1985 year chart1985Germany
The 20 Best Albums of 1981Musikexpress.de1981 year chart1981Germany
The 20 Best Albums of 1980Musikexpress.de1980 year chart1980Germany
The 20 Best Albums of 1979Musikexpress.de1979 year chart1979Germany
The 30 Best Albums of 1978Musikexpress.de1978 year chart1978Germany

Decade charts

Die 100 besten Alben der 10er JahreMusikexpress.de2010s decade chart2020Germany
Die 90erMusikexpress.de1990s decade chart2010Germany
Die besten Alben der 90erMusikexpress.de1990s decade chart2005Germany
Die 50 besten Alben der 80erMusikexpress.de1980s decade chart2003Germany
Die 80erMusikexpress.de1980s decade chart1989Germany

Overall charts

Die 20 besten Alben der GeschichteMusikexpress.de2011Germany

[ was founded in 1997.]

The 20 Best Albums of 1981 ratings

Not enough data Average Rating = (n ÷ (n + m)) × av + (m ÷ (n + m)) × AV
av = trimmed mean average rating an item has currently received.
n = number of ratings an item has currently received.
m = minimum number of ratings required for an item to appear in a 'top-rated' chart (currently 10).
AV = the site mean average rating.

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Best Albums of 2001
1. Is This It by The Strokes
2. Amnesiac by Radiohead
3. Discovery by Daft Punk
4. Vespertine by Björk
5. Lateralus by Tool
6. The Glow Pt. 2 by The Microphones
7. Origin Of Symmetry by Muse
8. White Blood Cells by The White Stripes
9. Toxicity by System Of A Down
10. The Blueprint by Jay-Z
11. Oh, Inverted World by The Shins
12. Gorillaz by Gorillaz
13. Blackwater Park by Opeth
14. Leaves Turn Inside You by Unwound
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16. Jane Doe by Converge
17. Drukqs by Aphex Twin
18. Bleed American by Jimmy Eat World
19. Love And Theft by Bob Dylan
20. The Cold Vein by Cannibal Ox
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